Long Term Projects – Fritt Ords Monitor Project

Status of freedom of expression in Norway – the Fritt Ord Foundation's Monitor Project

The project "Status of freedom of expression in Norway – the Fritt Ord Foundation's Monitor Project", is being headed by the Institute for Social Research on commission for the Fritt Ord Foundation. The current partner is the Department of Media and Communication (IMK) at the University of Oslo. Former partners include FafoTNS Gallup and lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas. 

Webpage: ytringsfrihet.no
(Former webpage: www.statusytringsfrihet.no)

Three new projects regarding the status of freedom of expression in Norway 2020–2021

Ilustration: Jon Arne Berg
Press release, Thursday, 16 January 2020

Have online harassment and polarisation altered Norwegians' views about freedom of expression? How has researchers' freedom of expression evolved at a time when knowledge about areas such as climate, gender and integration invariably generate controversy in public opinion? Is artistic freedom of expression under more intense pressure now than before? And when do employers consider a statement to be disloyal?

New report: Boundary Struggles

​The main findings and conclusions from the project 'The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway 2015–2017' are now available in Norwegian in a brief report.

The key findings from the second round of the project 'The Status of Freedom of Expression in Norway 2015–2017' were presented in English in the book Boundary Struggles: Contestations of Free Speech in the Norwegian Public Sphere. To make findings and conclusions more available to a Norwegian audience, the report Offentlighetens grenser (pdf) has now been published in Norwegian. 

Report: The limits of freedom of expression - social norms and political tolerance


Kari Steen-Johnsen, Audun Fladmoe and Arnfinn H. Midtbøen

Download the report (in Norwegian)

This report deals with the limits of freedom of expression in Norway. The discussion about freedom of expression often revolves around whether the limits set by the act in question are adequate, and what social and ethical limits can or should be set within the parameters set by the law. 

New project on the status for freedom of expression in Norway: Public boundaries

Press Release, 29 May 2015

The Fritt Ord Foundation has decided to support the further development of the project "Status of freedom of expression in Norway" for a new period from 2015 to 2017 – this time focusing on the topic "Public boundaries". The project will be headed by the Institute for Social Research in collaboration with Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo. 

Under the auspices of the new project, researchers will delve more deeply into the processes by which boundaries are drawn for what can and cannot be said in the public space in Norway. The project will study selected debates in more detail, examining which players participate in and regulate them, as well as which arguments are included and excluded. 

Ny rapport om kunstneres vurdering av ytringsfriheten

There is currently no English translation available for this entry