
Fritt Ord Foundation competition: Freedom of expression's heroes and anti-heroes

The Fritt Ord Foundation competition for upper secondary school students is introducing a new topic for the 2014/2015 school year: "The Heroes and Anti-heroes of Freedom of Expression". We invite pupils to contribute texts or media productions that examine and introduce their hero or anti-hero.

This year's topic invites the public to recognise the importance of freedom of expression to individuals or groups. The concept of 'anti-hero' may help us bring heroes down from their pedestals and open our eyes to nuances, grey areas and paradoxes. The term anti-hero is often understood to refer to a hero who lacks some of the qualities we usually associate with a hero, or to a scoundrel/opponent of freedom of expression. We will accept either interpretation. 

Pupils can participate independently or as part a class at school. The deadline for entries is Monday, 2 March 2015. Participants compete for cash prizes and a study tour to Strasbourg. A widely diverse jury with broad-based expertise will evaluate the entries.


Please note: remember to correctly label your application in the title section of the application form.

See this list for information about the different grant schemes and instuctions for how your application must be labelled.

The virus epidemic has put Norway’s cultural life and public discourse in an extremely difficult situation. In response, the Fritt Ord Foundation will be making an extraordinary contribution to projects that can safeguard the spaces for public discourse, develop new arenas for public discourse and help promote dynamic, vital public discourse.

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