
Please note: remember to correctly label your application in the title section of the application form.

Applications for the same project should not be submitted in response to different calls for applications. If your project has been rejected, do not resubmitt the application.

If you forget to label your application, do not re-submit it, but rather notify Fritt Ord by sending an email to: We will correct it manually.

The virus epidemic has put Norway's cultural life and public discourse in an extremely difficult situation. In response, the Fritt Ord Foundation will be making an extraordinary contribution to projects that can safeguard the spaces for public discourse, develop new arenas for public discourse and help promote dynamic, vital public discourse.

Første tildelinger klare fra Fritt Ords krisebevilgninger

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​The Fritt Ord Foundation announces a call for applications for 10 annual grants of NOK 200 000 each for critics who write for Norwegian daily or weekly newspapers, or who write reviews for TV/radio.

Koronasituasjonen: Bevilgninger til tiltak som blir avlyst/utsatt

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1200 søknader til Fritt Ords koronautlysning

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Tekster og filmer om krise og ytringsfrihet

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The Fritt Ord Foundation is allocating up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects. The MNOK 100 initiative is entitled Norwegian Journalism. The call for applications has six deadlines for applications during the year. The next deadline is 8 May 2020, 3 p.m. Applications should be submitted to the Fritt Ord Foundation's application centre.

Pengene og livet - Tilskudd til litteraturformidling i bibliotekene, 2020–2022

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Civitates - a consortium of 16 European foundations including Fritt Ord - welcomes proposals for core grants to strengthen public interest journalism organisations across Europe.

The Fritt Ord Foundation project "Islam in Norway" invites the public to an open dialogue meeting about the fight for freedom in Islam – freedom of expression and democracy building. The meeting will take place on Monday, 23 March 2020, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the House of Culture at Youngs gate 6 in Oslo.

The Fritt Ord Foundation and The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius hereby invite nominations of independent journalists, bloggers, Internet media and newspapers for the 2020 Free Media Awards.